Tag Archives: Bluebird BBQ

Bluebird BBQ’s community night helps BREAKAWAY team get closer to reaching their fundraising goal

By Keeshawn Nicholson I think it is time we gave a round of applause for Emergent Media Center’s courageous and innovative football game BREAKAWAY and its team! Last Wednesday the game gained awareness through success in the team’s fundraising event at Bluebird BBQ’s community night. BREAKAWAY, a computer game developed by over 120 Champlain College students […]

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Breakaway Game

BREAKAWAY fundraising campaign is underway!

By Kyle Patterson The game BREAKAWAY, created at the Emergent Media Center at Champlain College, is currently raising funds to sponsor a trip to El Salvador to continue the BREAKAWAY initiative! By donating to BREAKAWAY our team can establish a self-sustaining BREAKAWAY camp model in El Salvador in 2014 that will continue to create change […]

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